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Research paper on Eture auto burger machine
Housing price predict based on BP NN model
Tictok: a quantative approach to improve efficiency of global meetings
The effect of environmental acoustic enrichment and light deprivation on sound localization
9.20: EE club of RDFZ was founded
10.8: Set off on a new journey: Eture - Burger Machine
8.29: Carry on: a new team began their journey at Eture
6.8: When passion faded after the year. It's the end of the game.
9.4: Rented Azure server
10.27: Met the local area network for the first time
10.28: Rented AWS server. Met the world for the first time!
10.30: Introduce ETURE.TECH to the world!!! (Once again after almost 3 years)
10.31: Halloween prank app online. Say hello to all my friends for the first time
11.1: Rented Ali Cloud server
11.3: Brought Pot of Fern online to celebrate Fern's 19th birthday
11.5: Security update: introduce HTTPS
11.6: Redeployed the Django on Apache2 and updated the homepage
11.12: Built the first Android App
11.15: Make the first Alipay transaction
11.16: Sent the first SMS code
11.18: Open to SMS registeration
11.19: Wallet feature online
11.20: Reformed server structure. Everything is now hosted on Alicloud
11.21: Breakfast feature online
11.22: Subscription, skip, QR code pay features online
11.23: History orders feature online
11.26: Front end upgrade
11.27: Eture Delivery say hello to dorm no.13!
11.28: 子杰征婚网 online
11.29: Eture Delivery road show achieved great success!
12.2: Decided to pause proj.一日之计
12.6: Gobang AI online
12.9: Gobang AI finalized
12.11: Multi-language support online
12.11: 教主小宇宙 online
4.16: Published the first article of 连线学长姐
5.14: Conceiving PyBrick
5.25: Met Mr.T and chatted about starting again
5.31: The last update of 连线学长姐 - 互联网+ road show
6.9: Team reunion: PyBrick begins from here
7.17: 3D printed PyBrick V0.1 online
7.20: PyBrick re-branded as PyOh!
7.22: PyOh! PCB V0.1 online
8.2: PyOh! PCB V0.2 online
8.10: PyOh! PCB V0.3 online
8.15: Pyoh Interpreter_ online
8.17: 派呦开始块上线
9.1: 翌创评选为北京市优秀创业团队
10.10: 武汉派呦科技有限公司成立
11.12: 派呦登录武汉大学三创展
12.10: 派呦编程拼图登陆淘宝
1.26: 编程拼图V0.6 3D打印完成
2.22: 初代HexBot完成
2.24: 入驻武大训创
3.24: HexBot V2.1完成
4.7: CFC我的世界机器人套件V1.0研发完成
5.8: SMT产线启用
5.9: CFC我的世界机器人套件V2.0研发完成
5.15: 编程拼图V0.8 3D打印完成
6.12: RvStar扩展板量产
7.16: 深创赛获奖
8.26: 编程拼图V0.9 3D打印完成
8.29: 获得XBotPark&深圳科创学院最佳项目奖
9.27: HexBot V2.2.1.1 3D打印外壳版问世
11.23: 物联网主控板V0.3量产
1.11: 编程拼图V0.10.0 PCB小批量
1.22: 编程拼图V0.10.0 3D打印完成
1.29: 编程拼图V0.10.0.3 3D打印完成
9.19: 交付出货50套HexBot
10.27: PowerSignal初代样机打样
2.16: 最终版开始块&逻辑块外观设计大迭代
3.30: 基于最终版逻辑块外观设计的逻辑块完整装配体诞生
4.6: 三合一运行Demo动画完成
6.8: 完整的开始块+逻辑块+主控块+IO块样机完成,进入全系统联调阶段
7.19: 开始块+8种逻辑块全套带壳体LookAlike&WorkAlike样机装配完成
7.23: 拍摄完整系统真实运行Demo视频
8.2: 拍摄完整系统全部在壳体内的运行Demo演示视频
9.28: 16种逻辑块交付生产
11.29: 拍摄全系统只依靠在壳体内的电路板工作的LiveDemo
1.18: 生产24种逻辑块
3.14: 逻辑块正式引入上面板特性
3.31: 编程拼图基于GPT的AI老师开发完成
5.13: 编程拼图收到第一位天使用户预付订单
5.18: 武大附小一家三口天使用户完整体验编程拼图